Internships in Italy

If you are a student of the Bachelor degree in Psychological sciences - BPS, you can start the compulsory training only when you'll have obtained 80 credits with your passed exams. In this case the the training lasts 300 hours (= 12 university credits).

If you are a student of the Master degree in Cognitive neurosciences and clinical neuropsychology, you can start the compulsory training only when you’re enrolled in the second year of the Master degree, or when you'll have obtained 42 credits with your passed exams.In this case the the training lasts 300 hours (= 12 university credits).

If you are a student of the Master degree in Clinical, Social and intercultural Psychology, you can start the compulsory training only when you’re enrolled in the second year of the Master degree, or when you'll have obtained 42 credits with your passed exams. In this case the the training lasts 400 hours (= 16 university credits).

  List of available organizations and Internship offers board

To find the organization where to do your internship, you can check the list on > OFA - Tirocini - Esami > Tirocini.

You have to enter the Moodle platform with your Uniweb user and password. You can find some available organizations and will be able to contact them directly. There is no a list with available international organizations: you will have to contact to ask her about the organization you have in mind.

You can also check the Internship offers boards in Italy and abroad and apply to one or more of them. Companies may search for particular profile and you will have to fit their requirements in order to be accepted. The organization may call you and ask for an interview. In some cases, the organizations may be not have any agreement papers signed before with our University.

Internship offers in Italy:

International internship offers:

If you are not sure about the agreement between our university and the organization you have chosen, you can contact

  At the end of the internship

At the end of the internship, you have to fill in the final documentation to record the experience into the transcript. Here you can see the schedule and the documentation required:

-  the certificate in which the tutor confirms us that the internship has been closed, as described in the initial individual training project;

- the confirmation about the two assessment questionnaires: one sent from Career service, by email; the other available at the following link:

The final documentation of the internship has to be delivered by email in a single PDF/A with certified electronic signature of the supervisor.

End of internship documentation must be submitted by the date indicated in the table below in order to have internship credits recorded on the date of the corresponding internship appeal.

For graduating students: check the last date for internship registration, which is intended to be peremptory in order to have the credits recorded in the transcript for the purpose of graduation.

Please note: You don't have to enroll on Uniweb because it will be registered automatically after verification that the submitted documentation is correct.

According to the final exam schedule, there are 9 deadlines to record the internship into the transcript, among the other exams. These Exam sessions open one week before and close one day before the planned dates:

no later than 04/02/2025: for the internships that are registered in your transcript of records by the 11/02/2025;

no later than 25/02/2025: for the internships that are registered in your transcript of records by the 04/03/2025;

no later than 08/05/2025: for the internships that are registered in your transcript of records by the 15/05/2025;

no later than 28/05/2025: for the internships that are registered in your transcript of records by the 05/06/2025;

no later than 10/07/2025: for the internships that are registered in your transcript of records by the 17/07/2025;

no later than 18/08/2025: for the internships that are registered in your transcript of records by the 25/08/2025;

no later than 08/09/2025: for the internships that are registered in your transcript of records by the 15/09/2025;

no later than 23/10/2025: for the internships that are registered in your transcript of records by the 30/10/2025;

no later than 12/11/2025: for the internships that are registered in your transcript of records by the 19/11/2025;

  Academic recognition

If you have worked with associations, cooperatives, hospitals, sanitary centers or have done voluntary service (Servizio civile nazionale), you can ask for academic recognition instead of the ordinary internship. This is a particular type of request that has to be submitted to a special Commission made of Professors who will evaluate each case and consider the suitability with your university career.

The commission will consider working or voluntary experiences attended at the same place in the past 2 years for at least 5 or 6 months.

You can write a report about the work you've already done, specifying the activities and their common points with your study field. This report has to be countersigned also by your representative at the hosting organization, to confirm your statement. Then, this report will be attached to the formal request, that you can find at the bottom of this section.
With the report and the request, you need to attach your university transcript of records and the University credits that you have already obtained until that moment (minimum of: 80 for Bachelor Degree, 42 for Master Degree) or a confirmation that you’re enrolled in the second year of the Master degree (only for Master Degree students), according to the university’s internship regulations. Then, you will have to take these three documents to our office who will forward them to the Commission. In less than a month, professors will communicate to our office the results and then we will inform you about your request.

Academic recognition is a one-time request, during your entire academic career. If you obtain the recognition during your Bachelor degree, you won’t have the possibility to ask for it also during the Master degree course.